Sunday, October 25, 2009

GC Recap #4 - Being Temperate in All Things

Elder Kent D. Watson of the Seventy old this story in the Saturday afternoon session of conference. "A few years ago, I was driving home from work when a large semitruck, traveling in the opposite direction, lost one of its dual tires. The tire flew over the median separating our lanes. It came bouncing down my side of the freeway. Cars were swerving in both directions, drivers not knowing which direction the tire would bounce next. I dodged left when I should have dodged right, and the tire took its final bounce right on the corner of my windshield.

A friend called my wife to inform her of the accident. She told me later that her first thought was of lacerations from shattered glass. Indeed, I was covered with beads of broken glass but did not suffer a single scratch. It was definitely not because of my driving skills; rather, it was because the windshield of my little car was made of tempered glass.

Tempered glass, like tempered steel, undergoes a well-controlled heating process which increases strength. Thus, when tempered glass is under stress, it will not easily break into jagged shards that can injure.

Likewise, a temperate soul—one who is humble and full of love—is also a person of increased spiritual strength. With increased spiritual strength, we are able to develop self-mastery and to live with moderation. We learn to control, or temper, our anger, vanity, and pride. With increased spiritual strength, we can protect ourselves from the dangerous excesses and destructive addictions of today’s world."

How is it that we become this temperate soul who he speaks of? Just as the glass goes through a well controlled heating process, we too must go through our own 'fire of affliction' to increase our strength. These struggles that we each face on a daily basis are only making us stronger so that when the impact does come upon us we will not be shattered, we can stand firm in our faith.

Each day everyone of us faces a multitude of trials. The world in which we live today is increasingly wicked. We face difficulties in raising our children. Difficulties in keeping the wold out of our homes. Difficulties in choosing the best over the good in our oh-so busy lives. The economy has had its impact on just about every person in this world today. We ourselves have faced, or know close family and friends who have faced huge losses. How do we combat these trials in our lives?

We need to be ready. We need to temper ourselves and our families so we can be strong enough that the tire will leave no permanent damage to our souls. As we go through these daily struggles we are going through that "well-controlled heating process which increases strength". Heavenly Father is there. He will carry us through this fire if needed. It is only making us stronger and more temperate. It is my hope and prayer this week that I will learn a little more and do a little more so that I can become as Elder Watson so beautifully defined "a temperate soul—one who is humble and full of love—is also a person of increased spiritual strength. With increased spiritual strength, we are able to develop self-mastery and to live with moderation. We learn to control, or temper, our anger, vanity, and pride. With increased spiritual strength, we can protect ourselves from the dangerous excesses and destructive addictions of today’s world."

That is who I want to be.

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